welcome to Isère on board the transaltitude coach services!

Practical info


Good to know

I have lost or forgotten to print my ticket. Can I board upon presentation of an identity document?

No. A paper or electronic ticket (via smartphone or tablet) is required to travel on Transaltitude.

You can find your ticket directly from your customer account accessible from the website www.transaltitude.fr or on the Transaltitude mobile application.

Once connected, simply download your ticket and present it in electronic form.

I am in a wheelchair, can I board Transaltitude?

Yes, but it is necessary to notify our services on 04 8000 7000 at least 48 hours before departure, so that we can make arrangements to accommodate you in the best possible way.

You can also reserve a UFR seat when you make your reservation. Simply add this option to your order when you are on the “Travel option” page.

This option is only available 48 hours before the coach departs. If you do not respect this deadline, we may not be able to make arrangements to accommodate you in the best possible way.

Is my seat on the coach really reserved?

Yes. Thanks to your reservation, we guarantee you a seat on the coach departing on the day and at the time chosen. Please arrive at least 15 minutes before the coach departs and 20 minutes before for travelers who have booked the Skiligne offer.

Can I have my minor children travel alone on Transaltitude?

Minor children traveling alone on Transaltitude lines cannot be placed under the responsibility of the driver or the carrier. It is up to the parents alone to assess the merits of this decision.

Is there a time scheduled for boarding?

For Transaltitude lines, we recommend that you arrive at least 15 minutes before departure, in order to check in your luggage and board. For Skiligne lines, it is imperative to arrive at Grenoble Bus Station 20 minutes before departure. This deadline allows you to collect your ski pass at the dedicated “Skiligne” mobile counter.

Reserved outward and return times are fixed (you will not be allowed to board the next coach). Online booking is possible on transaltitude.fr skiligne up to 15 minutes before coach departure (subject to availability).

No. You don’t have to leave anything on board. The morning vehicle is different from the one returning in the evening. Some resorts have lockers. Ask at your local tourist office.

At some stations, we offer several stops. On our website www.transaltitude.fr, you’ll find a GoogleMap link to help you estimate the distance between your accommodation and the nearest stop. You can also check with the resort tourist office or your accommodation provider to find the most convenient stop.

A paper or electronic ticket (via smartphone or tablet) is required to travel on Transaltitude.

You can retrieve your ticket directly from your customer account at www.transaltitude.fr or from the Transaltitude mobile application (download link).

Once connected, simply download your ticket and present it electronically.

Is baggage transport free on Transaltitude?
Every Transaltitude ticket includes a baggage pack, consisting of a checked bag of 20 kg maximum (whose width + length + height dimension does not exceed 150 cm), a ski equipment (pair of skis or snowboard), a pair of boots and a hand bag. Beyond this pack, the additional baggage costs 50 euros.

In addition, some luggage is no longer accepted on board:


Oversized suitcase

Ski or snowboard bag with wheels
A refund request covering only the additional luggage (purchased in addition to the “free luggage pack”) is not possible.

What happens in the event of theft or damage to my luggage?
In the event of the carrier’s liability being established, the compensation that may be awarded, subject to justification, cannot exceed €150, applying a depreciation rate. The carrier declines all responsibility for what has been left or forgotten in the vehicle by the customer.
Warning: pickpockets may be present in the boarding areas (bus station, etc.). Remember to label your luggage (including ski bags and boots) and not leave it unattended.

I am travelling with the SKILIGNE day offer. Can I leave things on board the coach?

No. You must not leave anything on board. The morning vehicle is different from the one that will return in the evening. Some resorts have lockers. Ask at the resort’s tourist office.

Can I take a large ski travel bag for my equipment?
Due to limited hold space, oversized baggage such as “compact travel bags” with wheels designed for transporting several pairs of skis or snowboards is not accepted.

How do I find the best stopping point for me at the station?

At some stations, we offer several stopping points. You have, at your disposal on our website www.transaltitude.fr, a GoogleMap link allowing you to best evaluate the distance between your accommodation and the nearest stop. You can also consult the tourist office of the station or the rental company of your accommodation to find the most convenient stop.

Is there a connection with a TGV?

Our journey times take into account the risks of slowdowns as much as possible. However, coaches are subject to the vagaries of traffic and Transaltitude cannot be held responsible for an arrival at the station beyond the defined time. In the direction of ascent (station > station), our dispatchers will do their utmost to find an alternative solution. In the return (station > station), unused train tickets will not be refunded. During school holiday periods, we strongly recommend that you allow enough time for any connections (at least 2 to 3 hours).

Are arrival times guaranteed?

Our journey times take into account the risks of delays as much as possible. However, coaches are subject to traffic hazards – particularly during school holiday periods. Transaltitude cannot be held responsible for an arrival at the station after the set time. Please allow enough time for any connections.

Can I ask the driver to stop at a stopping point other than the one on the list?

No. The driver is not authorized to stop at a stopping point other than those already defined on the route.

Can I travel with my pet?

Yes, small animals must travel in a cage on their master’s lap. Large animals may travel on Transaltitude coaches if they are kept on a leash and muzzled. They must remain at their master’s feet and not in the aisle. They travel at the price of a full-fare ticket.

Can I bring a meal on board the coach?

No. It is forbidden to consume food on board the coach.

Are there toilets on board the coach?

No, but there are public toilets at Grenoble SNCF stations.

No refunds of Skiligne products for any reason whatsoever.

As these are promotional offers, Skiligne tickets are neither exchangeable nor refundable. Furthermore, we cannot be held responsible if the ski runs are closed when you arrive at the resort.

For further details, please consult our general terms and conditions.

Ski insurance is not included in the ski pass. To take out insurance, please contact the ski lift ticket offices in the resort or directly online at https://assuranceski.com/.

If you already have your lift pass: you’ll need to contact the lift ticket office directly, which will decide whether or not to defer your lift pass. You have a voucher: you can exchange it at the ticket office on another day, but you’ll have to buy another ticket. Once a ticket has been used, it is neither exchangeable nor refundable.

I want to change my Skiligne ticket. Is this possible?
No. As these are promotional offers, Skiligne tickets are neither exchangeable nor refundable. What’s more, we can’t be held responsible if the ski runs are closed when you arrive at the resort.
For more details, please consult our general terms and conditions.

Can I be reimbursed for an unused ticket after the date of travel?
No, tickets are not refunded after the date and time of the coach’s departure.
For further details, please consult our general terms and conditions.

Can I change my ticket online?

  • Exchanging a reservation is free of charge.
  • Exchanges are possible on the https://www.bus-et-clic.com/transaltitude website, up to 10 hours before the departure time of the ticket to be exchanged (no exchanges are possible on the www.transaltitude.fr website for “last-minute” purchases, made between less than 10 hours before departure and 15 minutes before departure time).
  • No exchange is possible for a ticket ordered in the form of a PROMOTION (one-off discount, etc.) or a SKILINE PROMOTION.
  • No exchange is possible for a ticket already used (stamped at boarding).
  • A reservation can only be exchanged for an identical reservation in terms of route, fare conditions and total price.
  • Within an order for several passengers, it is not possible to exchange tickets for only some of the passengers. Exchanging the ‘outward’ or ‘return’ part of an order will therefore involve the ‘outward’ or ‘return’ tickets of all the passengers in the same order,
  • Exchanging a reservation is only possible if the ticket you wish to exchange is still on sale (in accordance with the sales deadlines in force online and in sales outlets).
    Procedure for exchanging a reservation on https://www.bus-et-clic.com/transaltitude :
    The customer :
    opens his account on the website where he placed his order (with login details: e-mail address/password)
    opens the list of orders in his/her account
    opens the “order details
    select the “Exchange” button at the end of the order.

Can I change my ticket at the station?
Yes, provided you have purchased your tickets in-station. Exchanges are possible up to two hours before departure. To do so, you need to go to the point of sale where you made your purchase, with your tickets or your order number (indicated on your ticket).

Can I change my ticket by phone?
Yes, you need to call 04 8000 7000 (local call rate) with your order number (located on your ticket).
Ticket cancellation
Dois-je absolument imprimer mon billet ?
Les titres de transport Transaltitude peuvent être présentés sur un support numérique type téléphone ou tablette. Pensez à vous présenter à l’embarquement aux arrêts de départ au moins 15 minutes avant l’horaire de passage théorique du car (20 minutes pour les billets Skiligne).

Je souhaite annuler un billet Skiligne, est-ce possible ?
Non. Les billets Skiligne ne sont pas remboursables. De plus, nous ne pouvons être tenus pour responsables en cas de fermeture des pistes de ski à votre arrivée en station

Puis-je annuler et faire la demande de remboursement de mon billet en ligne ?
Le Client a la possibilité d’effectuer directement en ligne le remboursement de sa commande de billets achetés sur https://www.bus-et-clic.com/transaltitude .
Le remboursement est possible à partir du lendemain de l’achat (après minuit du jour de l’achat).
La demande de remboursement est bloquée à 10 heures avant le départ du 1er billet de la commande.
Pas de demande de remboursement possible, pour les achats de « dernière minute », effectués dans un délai compris entre moins de 10 heures avant le départ et 15 minutes avant l’heure le départ.
Les demandes de remboursement effectuées en ligne, sont gratuites et irréversibles.
Procédure :
Le Client : ouvre son compte sur le site d’achat en ligne sur lequel il a effectué sa commande (saisie adresse mail et mot de passe). Son compte est accessible depuis le site transaltitude.fr (en haut à droite) ; ouvre la liste des commandes de son compte ; ouvre le « détail de la commande » à rembourser ; sélectionne en fin de commande le bouton « REMBOURSER»
Le Client reçoit sur son adresse mail : une confirmation de demande de remboursement de sa commande ; une confirmation de remboursement de sa commande qui interviendra sur son compte bancaire dans un délai de 48 heures.
Cas des billets payés par « e.Carte Bleue » : le remboursement de ces billets n’est pas possibles sur www.transaltitude.fr . Dans ce cas, le client effectue sa demande de remboursement par écrit (voir modalités dans les conditions générales de vente Section II.7 paragraphe 1.d)

Puis-je annuler et faire ma demande de remboursement de billet par courrier ?
Conditions générales de remboursement d’une commande (ces conditions sont applicables pour les billets achetés en agence commerciale, à la gare routière de Grenoble, auprès du Centre d’Appels ou directement sur www.transaltitude.fr ) :
• Le remboursement porte obligatoirement sur la totalité des billets composant la commande (exemple : une commande comprenant un billet « Aller/Retour » ne peut être annulée que dans sa totalité),
• Aucun échange ou remboursement n’est possible pour un billet commandé sous forme d’une PROMOTION (réduction ponctuelle…) ou d’une PROMOTION SKILIGNE.
• Les titres de transport achetés à bord du car sont ni échangeables, ni remboursables.
Procédure :
Si le client n’a pas la possibilité d’effectuer la demande de remboursement de sa commande par le site https://www.bus-et-clic.com/transaltitude, il peut effectuer sa demande par écrit adressée au moins 48 heures avant l’heure de départ du 1er billet de la commande (cachet de la poste ou date envoi du courriel faisant foi). Le numéro de la commande internet, les titres de transport et un Relevé d’Identité bancaire doivent être joints à la demande.
Aucune suite ne sera donnée aux dossiers incomplets.
La demande écrite doit être adressée :
• par envoi postal à : VFD – Service Relations Clients – 14, rue du Lac – 38120 SAINT EGREVE
• par envoi d’un courrier électronique à : contact.busetclic@vfd.fr
La prise en compte de la demande de remboursement prendra effet à partir de la date de réception du courrier du Client.
Des frais de dossier administratif de 5 € sont prélevés sur le total de chaque demande de remboursement adressée par écrit (courrier postal ou électronique).
Les remboursements seront effectués uniquement après la date du voyage prévue lors de la réservation, dans un délai maximum de 45 jours.
Chaque saison Transaltitude se termine au plus tard le 30 avril de chaque année. Aucune réclamation envoyée au-delà du 15 mai ne pourra être enregistrée ou faire l’objet d’un remboursement.

Puis-je annuler mon billet par téléphone ?
Seuls les billets achetés par téléphone auprès du Centre d’appels peuvent être remboursés en rappelant le Centre d’appels Transaltitude 04 8000 7000 (prix d’un appel local). Lors de son appel le client doit donner son numéro de commande (indiqué sur le billet).
Le centre d’appels applique les conditions de remboursement en vigueur à savoir : le remboursement est possible à partir du lendemain de l’achat (après minuit du jour de l’achat). La demande de remboursement est bloquée à 10 heures avant le départ du 1er billet de la commande. Pas de demande de remboursement possible, pour les achats de « dernière minute », effectués dans un délai compris entre moins de 10 heures avant le départ et 15 minutes avant l’heure le départ.

Do I absolutely have to print my ticket?
Transaltitude tickets can be presented on a digital medium such as a phone or tablet. Remember to arrive at the departure stops at least 15 minutes before the theoretical bus departure time (20 minutes for Skiligne tickets).

I would like to cancel a Skiligne ticket, is this possible?
No. Skiligne tickets are not refundable. In addition, we cannot be held responsible if the ski slopes are closed when you arrive at the resort

Can I cancel and request a refund for my ticket online?
The Customer can make a refund directly online for their order of tickets purchased on https://www.bus-et-clic.com/transaltitude .
Refunds are possible from the day after purchase (after midnight on the day of purchase).
The refund request is blocked at 10 hours before the departure of the first ticket in the order.
No refund requests are possible for “last minute” purchases made between less than 10 hours before departure and 15 minutes before departure time.
Refund requests made online are free and irreversible.
The Customer: opens their account on the online shopping site on which they placed their order (enter email address and password). Their account is accessible from the transaltitude.fr site (top right); opens the list of orders in their account; opens the “order details” to be refunded; select the “REFUND” button at the end of the order
The Customer receives at their email address: a confirmation of the refund request for their order; a confirmation of the refund of their order which will be sent to their bank account within 48 hours.
Case of tickets paid by “e.Carte Bleue”: refunds for these tickets are not possible on www.transaltitude.fr. In this case, the customer makes his request for reimbursement in writing (see terms and conditions in the general terms and conditions of sale Section II.7 paragraph 1.d)

Can I cancel and make my request for reimbursement of a ticket by mail?
General conditions for reimbursement of an order (these conditions are applicable for tickets purchased at a sales agency, at the Grenoble bus station, from the Call Center or directly on www.transaltitude.fr):

  • The reimbursement must cover all the tickets making up the order (example: an order including a “Round Trip” ticket can only be cancelled in its entirety),
  • No exchange or reimbursement is possible for a ticket ordered in the form of a PROMOTION (one-off reduction, etc.) or a SKILIGNE PROMOTION.
  • Transport tickets purchased on board the coach are neither exchangeable nor refundable.
    If the customer is unable to request a refund for their order via the website https://www.bus-et-clic.com/transaltitude, they can make their request in writing at least 48 hours before the departure time of the first ticket in the order (postmark or date of sending the email as proof). The online order number, transport tickets and a bank identity statement must be attached to the request.
    No action will be taken on incomplete files.
    The written request must be sent:
  • by post to: VFD – Customer Relations Service – 14, rue du Lac – 38120 SAINT EGREVE
  • by sending an email to: contact.busetclic@vfd.fr
    The reimbursement request will be processed from the date of receipt of the Customer’s letter.
    An administrative processing fee of €5 is charged on the total of each refund request sent in writing (by post or email).
    Refunds will only be made after the date of the trip scheduled at the time of booking, within a maximum period of 45 days.
    Each Transaltitude season ends no later than April 30 of each year. No claim sent after May 15 will be registered or refunded.

Can I cancel my ticket by phone?
Only tickets purchased by phone from the Call Center can be refunded by calling the Transaltitude Call Center 04 8000 7000 (price of a local call). When calling, the customer must give their order number (indicated on the ticket).
The call center applies the refund conditions in force, namely: refunds are possible from the day after purchase (after midnight on the day of purchase). The refund request is blocked at 10 hours before the departure of the first ticket of the order. No refund request is possible for “last minute” purchases made within a period of less than 10 hours before departure and 15 minutes before departure time.

Am I guaranteed a secure payment?

Yes. Your online payment is processed by Paybox.

How do I collect my Skiligne pass?

Passes must be collected at least 20 minutes before departure at the Grenoble bus station, from the Skiligne mobile reception desks (located on the platform in front of the bus station), upon presentation of a valid Skiligne ticket. No ski passes are issued at the resort.

I am making my purchase online: is there a booking deadline?

You can book your ticket online up to 15 minutes before departure, subject to availability. It is therefore more prudent to book your seats in advance.

I bought a ticket for 2 people, can I change only one of the journeys?

No. When purchasing a group, it is not possible to change just one of the journeys included in your order. You must cancel your first order or change your entire booking.

Is child transport free on Transaltitude?

Transport is free for children under 3 years old who travel on their parents’ laps. However, if you want to have a place to attach a baby car seat, you must book a reduced-fare ticket for under 26s. When booking, you must add a “child aged 0 to 3” passenger so that they can have a €0 ticket.

From the 37th month, all children must have a reduced-fare ticket for under 26s.

Timetables are subject to traffic and weather conditions. Please arrive in advance at Transaltitude stops and allow sufficient time for any connections.

Present your Skiligne ticket (printed ticket or e-ticket on smartphone) at Grenoble bus station or Transaltitude mobile ticket office no later than 20 minutes before coach departure. The ski pass included in the Skiligne is only valid on the Skiligne bus. The resort may refuse access to the slopes to anyone who has not used the bus. No ski pass will be returned to the resort.

Please note: for intermediate stops at Vizille for Alpe du Grand Serre, at Monestier-de-Clermont for Gresse-en-Vercors and at Saint-Laurent-du-Pont for Saint-Pierre-de-Chartreuse, ski passes must be collected directly from the cash desks in the resort.

For the Saint-Pierre-de-Chartreuse resort departing from Voiron, ski passes are to be collected directly from the in-station ticket offices.

Skiligne is Transaltitude’s promotional day rate, including round-trip coach transport and a day’s alpine or Nordic ski pass.
Tickets can only be booked at www. transaltitude.fr (web fares) or in our agencies (point-of-sale fares). Skiligne tickets are not sold on board the coach.